General terms and conditions
The sale may only be conducted with commercial enterprises as part of their business activities.
For sales in countries outside the European Union a deposit in the amount of the legally applicable sales tax must be paid in addition to the purchase price; this will be refunded when proof of correct taxation in the target country has been submitted.
If the Buyer is domiciled in a different EU member state, the Buyer must provide the Seller with proof that the purchased item has been delivered or sent to another EU member state and that it has been correctly taxed.
Subject to prior appointment, the purchase item can be viewed at the site where the equipment is located, it can be taken for a test drive or seen in operation. The appropriate contact partner can be found in the machinery market (Monday-Thursday during office hours).
Billing is not carried out until there is agreement on both sides.
Payment must be made in full within 21 days before the purchase item is transferred.
If the payment terms are not met or there is a delay in payment, the Seller can withdraw from the contract without giving any notice.
Until full payment of the purchase price has been received, the purchase item remains the sole property of the Seller and will be transferred to the Buyer following receipt of full payment. Down payments or instalments are not permitted.
The Buyer is obliged to take possession of the purchase item within a one-month period following the conclusion of the purchase agreement and receipt of payment.
The Buyer is responsible at his own risk and costs for loading and transporting the purchase item and has sole liability for any damage which may result.
The Buyer has no rights related to guarantees or compensation, and is forbidden from refuting the contract on the grounds of error or laesio enormis.
Austrian law alone applies to these purchases; UN trade law and conflict of law rules are excluded.
Vienna is the court of jurisdiction.